当地家庭法专家Carolyn J. 伍德拉夫获得两项最高nacpa奖

皇冠足彩网, NC - The 北卡罗莱纳 Association of CPAs or NCACPA has announced Carolyn J. 伍德拉夫获得2013年R. 唐纳德·法默奖和5.0讨论领袖奖. Woodruff was recognized at NCACPA's Annual Business Meeting 和 Recognition Dinner on Wednesday, 4月30日, 2014年在格兰多弗度假酒店 & Conference Center in 皇冠足彩网, 北卡罗莱纳.

R. 唐纳德·法默奖 is presented to the NCACPA speaker who is from 北卡罗莱纳 和 receives the highest combined average score on knowledge, 技能, 和 materials for all courses taught in a technical area. According to the NCACPA, roughly 150 北卡罗莱纳 speakers were eligible for the 2013 R. 唐纳德·法默奖. nacpa授予5.0讨论领袖奖 to discussion leaders who have taught for seminars 和/or conferences, 得到完美的5分.0 rating on both presenter knowledge 和 技能 from participant evaluations. Of the more than 100 speakers 和 discussion leaders, Woodruff is the only woman along with twelve men receiving this award for their 2013-2014 service.

"NCACPA is fortunate to have someone like Carolyn providing continuing education to our members. Looking back at the number of awards she's received, it speaks to her commitment 和 the exceptional quality she brings to every presentation. 注册会计师有很高的期望, 对她来说不仅是见面, 但要不断超越这些期望, 非常了不起,nacpa特别活动策划人说, 杰基Asekhauno.

Since 2002, the NCACPA has presented the following awards to Ms. 伍德乐夫:

  • 2002年杰出讨论领袖奖
  • 2004年度优秀讨论领袖
  • 2005年度优秀讨论领袖
  • 2007 Outst和ing Seminar Discussion Leader
  • 2008 Outst和ing Seminar Discussion Leader
  • 2008 R. 唐纳德·法默奖
  • 2008 5.0讨论组长
  • 2009年度优秀研讨会讨论带头人
  • 2010 Outst和ing Conference Discussion Leader
  • 2011年度优秀研讨会讨论带头人
  • 2012 5.0讨论领袖奖
  • 2013 5.0讨论领袖奖
  • 2013 R. 唐纳德·法默奖

“R. 唐纳德·法默奖 stipulates that the award cannot be given to the same person two consecutive years, but may be awarded to the same speaker more than once. It's not common for the same speaker to receive it more than once, although it has happened before 和 now in 2013 as well,Asekhauno说.

nacpa认为5.0 Discussion Award 'prestigious' for NCACPA speakers. According to the organization, the recipient must obtain a perfect 5.0 score on each attendee's evaluation of both the presenter's knowledge of the subject matter 和 their presentation 技能. NCACPA event attendees are said to have appropriately high expectations of their discussion leaders.

"What an honor to have so many of my peers 和 colleagues consider what I am presenting as useful 和 informative in their own lives. I honestly get a lot of enjoyment taking important facts, whether old or new 和 presenting them in a variety of creative methods that pushes attendees to think in a completely new way. The greatest of discussions happen every time," says Woodruff.

NCACPA released the following evaluation comment as an example of the type of feedback Woodruff received in the 2013-2014 award period: "Carolyn is an excellent speaker 和 very knowledgeable of the material. Her overview at the beginning of the class was spot on. I enjoyed the discussions she prompted with her outline of the material. Again, her class is on my annual continuing education list. 干得好,卡洛琳!"

20多年了, Woodruff has practiced law as a Board Certified 北卡罗莱纳 Family Law Specialist. 此外,她持有C.P.A. 以及企业估值证书. 皇冠足彩app的老板, 总部设在皇冠足彩网市中心, 北卡罗莱纳, Woodruff has five additional associate attorneys, four 北卡罗莱纳 Certified Paralegals 和 an array of esteemed legal assistants. 另外, she competes as a Pro-Am Open Smooth Ballroom Dancer all across the country 和 enjoys piloting her own plane as well. Currently, she can be seen on TLC's reality TV program, "Ballroom Blitz" airing in Europe.

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